How Mrs Blossom Helped my Lesson Preparation

“In my time in England I met with some wonderful teachers, one of which has charmingly kept in touch, since the lessons I taught her and here she explains how she uses them in her every day teaching life. I have invited UK Teacher Laura Macnamara, who teaches Year 1 and is the ICT Co-Ordinator at Berrycoombe Primary School, Bodmin, Cornwall, England, to discuss and share with you, my readers.

“By using the My Content tool and the gallery options that are so well explained in the course, I can create tailor-made lessons that are highly differentiated for the learning needs within my class. So, for example, if I wanted to deliver a science lesson about how animals move, one of the Y1 science objectives, I could use what I learnt from the Blossom course to create a discrete lesson or sequence of lessons that are packed full of multimedia. For example; videos of animals moving, pictures of different animals, sounds of animals moving – perhaps the children could try to guess the animal, links to websites about animals, all contained within one file using the SMART software. This is such an improvement on how I worked before, where I would have lots of different windows open, and it was always such a pain to have to flick between them! This also has a huge implication for fulfilling the VAK (Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic) element which is essential to enable children to learn effectively. By using ICT in such a powerful way would be seen as outstanding by OFSTED, our governing body in the UK.”

Happy Learning!

Mrs. Blossom

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